Tuesday, August 13, 2013

World is becoming smaller but hearts are going apart

Our generation is most advances till now because we are living in 21th century. This is era of technology and fast communication that is social networking. Now there is no need to meet with old friends who live at distant places. Now you can connect with your friends with whom you study in 1st grade or to whom you met yesterday at a single place that is "social media". Social media is on more power because now you can use it on a go; means on you handheld devices like mobile or tablet. Facebook, twitter, whatsapp, wechat, skype etc. all are social media which also provide apps for mobiles too. Now you can connect with your friends and loved ones on a single platform and can get every little bit information second to second. So world has become so small and long distance just become fables. Communication was never so easy and fast as ever. But did we notice one thing?? Are we really come closer or went apart?? Before 20 years ago, no one would have imagined that communication will reach at this level. At that time, when we had to write letters to our loved ones and eagerly wait for their replies over months. We felt so much grace and joy in writing each single line and remember those reply letter for a long time. Relations still exist at that time and people do love too. They always thought that kash kuch aisa hota jisse hume dusre wale ki pal pal ki khabar milti rhe. It has happened today but simultaneously our hearts go apart. Now we do everything over social media. We share thoughts there, we share moments there, we share health there, fights there, break ups there. blah blah everything there!! But what has happened to our hearts. Now we do not care for emotions or feelings. Now we participate in debates and useless discussions just to show off our self images. What we show that is completely different in real & present. Sometimes we have to speak in manners while heart is filled with hatred. Sometime people do not respond just to show others how much busy they are in their life. We waste a lot of time in waiting for others and in useless cocktails.
          Is it a good way of living?? Why we make our self so much interested in others life?? Why we wait for responses by some people and ignore others? What is the need of wearing so much personality masks over again and again? Life is such a beautiful gift and we waste it on stupid things. No it should not be. Life can be used in exploring oneself. What I have inside?? Why I feel such like?? Why a thought come to my mind which disturb me?? So many things are there to explore about oneself. But we go on wondering outside, outside and outside. Just spend one hour for yourself and remaining for others. Don’t we need this!!

Saturday, March 16, 2013


I have lived almost half of my life (I am 26 now), one question always pops up in my mind since I was a child or when I started to have consciousness. What is the most worthy thing to get in life?? We get a life for some purpose. God must invest something in us, Nature also need something from us. So what is the thing behind which we should spend this life?? Of course there is one thing which is on everyone’s target “To live a happy life”. But there are many things which we start to search to become happy.
Fame, prestige, power, money, Love, spirituality and many others. It may be as many people are. I also started to vary from one thing to another since childhood. After seeing one thing from very close and understanding its final outcome, I will have to come on a uncertain point that it is not the thing which is worth to follow.
        When I was about 8 years, I always had dreams to become a celebrity (An actor, a politician, a magician etc.) and I would not find to become one of them is much hard because I always came first in my class and everyone used to say this boy is outstanding and brilliant. This feed to my ego too :-). I used to think that it’s not a life if you would die without people know you. At least your name should be in books so that your name would be remembered after your death. It took a long time but my this belief shattered badly. I started to watch the people with fame and publicity are empty from inside. Why they want to reach on top? Are they not satisfied what they are?? It seems they suffer from inferiority complex. Making yourself on top is quite a dependence on others because you always stay on top on shoulders of others, so that you could be drop down anytime by others when they want it. I took examples of many politicians, and it’s seemed true. So I dropped this idea about four years ago.
On second attempt, I started to believe that one thing is most worthy in life to get that is “MONEY”, because by having money you can do everything what you desire (even you can buy celebrities and politicians). If you have enough money you can fulfill whatsoever dreams you have. There is only one way to complete your dreams and that is money. Since childhood I was not hard of money, but my this belief shattered soon drastically. I analyzed my back life, Do I satisfied by having the things what I want?? Yes, Really!! Oh No, everything which I got once; my desire jumps for above it.What we get becomes useless for us and we start to desire for above, but we never reach on that level where we can say, now I got which i want and now I will stop chasing anything :-) Money can do many things but not everything. There are lots of things for which money is just a waste (see few old post in this blog). And In gathering of money we become so obsessed that we also forget why we are go on collecting it. We think that one day our target will be achieved and we do rest and enjoyed it. I read a story of American millionaire Andrew Carnegie. When he died he left 5 billion dollars behind him and before few days of his death he was busy in making deals of his business over phone. The writer who wrote his biography asked him if you are satisfied that you have earned so much money that no one ever earned is. He said “No, I just earned 5 billion dollars and I was having a target of 10 billion, I am dying as a defeated person”. Oh gosh!!
In third attempt, I came on third stage. I started to believe that only one thing is worthy to achieve and that is “LOVE”. Without love, there is no meaning of having money, fame or prestige. I started to search a beloved one for myself so that I shall spend my entire life in being love and bliss. If there is love in one’s life he can be happy in any situation. Love filled us from inside which we all need. For this search I started to live a life for searching love and spreading love to others. I find few persons in my life which seems that my search is finished and I have got what I always wanted to get. But alas soon this false belief too broke down like palace of cards. I was wrong again!! Love can’t be possible in human beings. Here we give love to others in a desire of return, and if we don’t get, it hurts most. I saw how people were playing with each other in name of love. It is simply demolition of each other. One thing which comes as a big hurdle in giving love is our ego. In love too, we want to become master of one another. All lovers fight day and night on only one thing, who is master?? People bound each other as they are things to them; they kill them by destroying their freedom. And then a process of taking revenge starts from each side. Love is masked with false emotions. Love is most temporary thing in this world. We love someone in morning, start to hate the same in afternoon and may be start to love again in evening but always have belief that our love is universal. Soon people started to fed up by each other as they get to know true self of each other. Love can be done truly only if it is done with detachment, people will come and go from your life and you can’t stop them. You will be hurtled as much as you attached with them.
In last, presently I got another attempt for my search, I got a point that our all search is outside, but we are trying to fill our inner being which is inside. How it can possible?? How the outside things fill the inner mind and satisfaction. It can be filled with something which is already inside us. And it can only be searched if we make our direction of searching outside to inside. So now the most worthy thing to get in life is to understand yourself; understanding one self’s mind, understanding our desires, our purpose of mad chase to the outside matters. As Gurdijef said that only sorrow in humanity is being sleep while pretending that we are awaken. Our mind never present where we are, its behavior is always running away. If we started to do the things by awaken state, have our mind where our body is. Start to live in present then it is called awaking from walking sleep. Our past is our memory and future is desire and only present is life which can be lived. It seems easy but it requires great effort because our sleep is our habit of many lives.