Delhi SHG meeting really rocks this time. This time I got opportunity to meet four new members. Mr. Pawas anand, Dr. kshitiz, Abhishek2 and Parmendra bundela. We are total 8 which is maximum of all the time. First we introduced of all members with each other and share our experiences with speech therapies. Then we all gave small presentations on some randomly selected topic. But our first concern was to find a suitable place from where we can attract other people in park. Very soon we founded it. One by one a member goes to a distant away and all other members ask questions related to stammering or anything else. He have to give answers loudly and without aware of other people around him. This task was very funny and we all enjoyed it. When Dr. kshitiz’s turn came he did a great job with big courage so that many people start to ask what’s happening here. He told us shamelessly that he came from dehradun to delhi only for stutter (mai yaha sirf haklane aaya hu). In mean time, we walk all over in the park and talk with strangers. We also took initiative to talk with some foreign tourists. We aware many people about TISA and why we people come to gather here. People’s response was really very fantastic & encouraging. We share TISA papers with them so that they can tell about it to their friends or relatives who suffer. Really meeting was great and memorable. I thanks to all members who came and join this amazing group. Soon we will meet again and have more fun. We miss Lalit, Gaurav and Arun.
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